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Get all the know on Woodside Nippers and our Education & Training programs available.


The surf club season operates from late October through to the end of March. Our trained members voluntarily patrol Twilight Beach on Sundays and public holidays during the summer season. Our patrols continue to strengthen with the increase of awards gained each year and the great commitment given by all patrolling members. 


Volunteers are the backbone of this wonderful movement, without them we would not exist. So please help us, help you and involve yourself and your family in the activities of the club. 


Those who make the decision to compete, choose to make a massive commitment to their chosen events, some doing up to 8 training sessions per week with the club’s coaches. The results have been incredible with many medaling at State level and competing in national events. 

Woodside Nippers

Woodside Nippers can be a rewarding experience for the whole family. Not only do kids learn important beach and water skills and enjoy friendships that come with belonging to a club, but their parents can also gain valuable knowledge and discover personal satisfaction by participating. 


The involvement of children in Surf Life Saving is geared towards learning surf safety and surf skills and, at a later stage, increasing senior membership and Patrol involvement 


So why do parents encourage kids to be nippers? 

  • To learn important skills, resuscitation and surf safety. 

  • To have fun with other kids. 

  • To participate in and enjoy surf competitions, teamwork & sportsmanship. 

  • To enjoy a fit and healthy lifestyle. 


Junior members begins at 5 years old and they can participate in a range of activities most Sunday mornings and gain awards along the way. Activities include swimming, beach flags, beach sprints and board training & races (depending on conditions). 


Woodside Nippers will receive a Woodside Nipper Pack, which includes a Hi Viz Rash Vest, Cap & Bucket Hat, they are required to wear for the duration of the Woodside Nipper program. All activities are organised in age groups, each of which has its own Age Group Manager. Activities are 60-90 minutes duration. At the conclusion of the morning’s activities, please join us for a social Sausage Sizzle prepared by parents on a rostered basis. 


Education & Training

Our patrols continue to strengthen with the increase of awards gained each year and the great commitment given by all patrolling members.


Our trained members voluntarily patrol Twilight Beach on Sundays and public holidays during the summer season. Club activities are held on Sundays with additional trainings held mid-week. A range of beach, water competitions and activities for Senior and Junior members are regularly held. 

Surf Rescue Certificate​

The Surf Rescue Certificate is the minimum requirement for a patrolling life saver and includes the vital skills of performing rescues, principles of first aid, basic resuscitation and supervision strategies. 

Bronze Medallion

The Bronze Medallion is required for senior surf sports competitors and active patrolling life savers. The Bronze forms part of the public safety industry’s units of competencies in OH&S, Work in a Team; Communication in the work place and provide emergency care. 

IRB Crew Certificate

This award provides members with the knowledge and skills to act as a crew person for the IRB. The award details pre and post operations along with operation crew and rescues. 


Other courses available

  • WA Drone Patrol Operator

  • Radio Operators Course


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